Thursday, November 5, 2009

Penile Implant is a medical strategy to implant a device inside of men penis to allow men get an erection for those who have an erectile dysfunction or ED. This could also threat Peyronie's disease, a type of men erectile disorder which cause pain during the erection or bending of men penis.

This kind of medical strategy needs to be assisted by a medical professional which involved a surgical operation in men's penis. And according to men who already acquire this medical solution for their problem, the're partners are really satisfied with this implants.

But, risk was still around of this implant. What will happen if the implant will malfunction? It can actually cause an infection. But still, the medical research are now keep on improving this device using the new materials and surgical procedures.

Here's a before and after photo of Penile Implants:

Penile Implants Photos


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