Saturday, November 21, 2009

Justin Bieber in LI

Recently, the Associated Press released a report about the possible riot that Justin Bieber can bring in LI mall as thousands of his fans started to push and shoving others as they waited for a 15-year-old singer to appear on stage. It happens in Roosevelt Field Mall in Garden City. It is recently reported that the Long Island Police started to stop the mall appearance of the young pop teen star as thousands of young girls showed up to catch him live on stage.

Justin Bieber in LI

According to interviews on Justin fans, people started to scream and shout his name, they started to ran forward and cause the crowd to push each other where breathing started to cause anyone to collapsed at any time.
"People started screaming, 'Justin!' And they ran forward and the ropes collapsed," said 13-year-old Aimee Macchi. She said she was knocked to the floor in the rush. "Everyone was pushing. There was no room to breathe."
You can read the entire report in the following address below.

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