Sunday, November 22, 2009

We are proud to be a Filipino as Efren Peñaflorida hailed by CNN as the 2009 Hero of the Year. He is a "Pushcart Educator" who help his fellow Filipino by making a pushcart to educate young minds in his community. He bring education to poor children as an alternative to gang membership. He started his "pushcart classroom" to bring his best to mold young minds before they'd got to a gang.

Efren Peñaflorida: CNN 2009 Hero of the Year

Efren Peñaflorida has been named as CNN Hero of the Year last Saturday night, November 21, 2009 in Hollywood and will go home to bring his achievement for his country and his fellow Filipino. He become an icon to all of us here in the Philippines and I hope, there will be Filipino's that will follow his footsteps soon.

"Mabuhay ka Efren! At Mabuhay ang mga Filipino! You'll be a great inspiration to all of us Efren. You can read the entire report in CNN News in the following link address below.

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