Saturday, November 7, 2009

Scott Robert Becker was looking for his daughter for almost 30-years. April Becker Antonio was also looking for her father cause her mother never told much about her father. In just a chance of time, the two has been reunited as a father and daughter. Scott spent thousands of dollar to look for her long loss daughter. April is now in her 30's when found Dr. Becker as her father. She never been thought about why her mother leaves her father when she was just a few months old.

According to story, April mother and her father have an argument during the time she's been took by her mother away from her father. It's a kind of long story whom we don't know but it's a beautiful thing to have a long-time searched brought a fruitful ending as the two was reunited by chance.

"For whatever reason I put in 'Scott Robert Becker looking for April' because I had just always done his name and boom, a website popped up April It said 'April Joi Becker I'm your dad I really want to meet you.' I just knew. I just knew. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. It was him. I cried and cried and cried."
You can read the entire story of Scott Becker and his daughter April reunited after 30-years of searching in 11 Alive website. [Connect from here]


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