Saturday, November 7, 2009

Miracle Aussie Baby

I recently read this news from AFP Melbourne. It's about a miraculous Australian baby with a very rare condition and became the first human being to be cured from a deadly brain-melting condition. The doctors tried their best to help "Baby Z" to survive and they even make an experimentation on mice before they used this treatment to the little baby.

Miraculous Aussie Baby

Baby Z was facing a painful death from seizures and brain damages with her molybdenum cofactor deficiency, a type of deficiency in genetics which can cause toxic sulphite to build-up can usually can kill a person with this genetic disorder for months. But according to AFP report, Baby Z survive in a matter of three days. It's quite miraculous, right?

It was the first untested treatment in human which comes from Germany and being rushed to the courts for Baby Z condition. And according to report:
"We are looking at her now and she is just an absolute miracle -- she has defied everybody," her mother, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told reporters.
You can read the entire story of Miracle Aussie Baby in AFP news. [Connect from here]


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