Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our long national nightmare is finally over.

Jon & Kate Plus 8, which in recent months had become just about as fun as reliving your parents' divorce, will stop filming new episodes next month, according to the New York Post.

After Jon Gosselin, 32, forbade TLC from filming his and 34-year-old estranged wife Kate's eight children for their show, the network will try to squeeze out a couple remaining episodes from existing footage before putting the show to rest, according to sources.

Kate, who's previously said she relies on the show for her income, and who says the kids have been crying since the film crews left, hasn't commented. Neither has Jon, who said he put the kibosh on the show because had an epiphany about the harm the show was causing the family – and not because he'd been axed from a future version of the show to be called Kate Plus 8.

It's not clear whether TLC would restart the show should Jon change his mind about filming the kids.

I wonder how they will make a living. Are they going to have to get real jobs?(gasp) Kate will have to go back to begging for "love offerings" at churches. You know we will have to see them floating dlist celebrity events like all those other former reality show stars.



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