Friday, October 23, 2009

Animal Rescue Site

It is great to hear that someone would like to extend and offers their concern to animals. There are reports about animal abuse all over the world and somehow, others are not fairly documented. Hundreds of animals has been left behind the bars, cages, and enclose to place which is not their normal habitat.

I read an animal abuse article over the Internet from one concerned organization for animals. I am really touched with their vision as an animal advocate groups, they have the animal rescue site in the Internet. They have concern for animals and somehow, these people look forward to the right of every living things all over the world.

It's all about life, and I think we should be one of them, not only to join them, but to do the best we can do in our own hands. Treat animal as human, because somehow, because living with them, is not easy as what we are.


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