Saturday, August 6, 2011

Source: New York Magazine [follow link for complete interview]

Torchwood 2

TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY - NEW YORK MAGAZINE: Lauren Ambrose Stays Mum on Funny Girl, But Compares Herself to Carrot Top and Talks Torchwood

By: Gwynne Watkins

Though she's worked steadily since the end of Six Feet Under — a half-dozen indie films, two acclaimed Broadway shows, one failed network sitcom — Lauren Ambrose is still best remembered as HBO's soul-searching teen Claire Fisher. Now 33, the redhead is redefining herself in some unexpected ways. Currently, she's playing Torchwood: Miracle Day's amoral publicist Jilly Kitzinger, as seductive a villainesss as has ever wore designer heels. She has a supporting role in the upcoming David Wain comedy Wanderlust. And it was just announced that she'll be taking her little-heard, classically trained singing voice to Broadway, as Fanny Brice in the fall revival of Funny Girl. Though she declined to discuss the latter when we pressed her about the rumor (it was still under wraps when we interviewed her late last week), Ambrose talked to Vulture about her first foray into sci-fi, her obsession with Welsh accents, and why doing Wanderlust made her feel like the hippie Carrot Top...


... Q: So what made you choose this project, if you hadn't seen the show?

Lauren Ambrose: "I spoke to [creator and producer] Russell Davies about it, and I just enjoyed speaking to him so thoroughly. He's so smart and Welsh and talked in his very fast tongue — absolutely a million words a minute — about this world he created. And what was most appealing was that there is truly a reason for everything. Every detail has been considered. Obviously, there's this unnatural phenomenon where people stop dying all over the world, and he explores the repercussions of an event like that. My character represents the people who would sell it and profit off of it. She's in publicity; it's kind of been a meta, weird trip, to do interviews about the character, knowing that some publicist somewhere set it up..." [Laughs.]


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