Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Source: Fellowship of Fools [follow link for complete interview]

Eureka season 4.5

EUREKA - Fellowship of Fools : Erica Cerra from Eureka interview

We at the FoF had the pleasure of chatting with Erica Cerra who plays Jo Lupo on Syfy's hit series Eureka....


... Q: What are your thoughts on the convention circuit and meeting with the fans? Is it something you enjoy and are interested in still doing?

Erica Cerra: "It is something I enjoy and will continue doing; I just don't want it to take away from work. I don't want it to consume myself and lose any opportunities to work on other shows. I love doing them; I think it is such a great experience. Every convention I have gone to I have had a lot of fun. Now of course if I can go to conventions in Paris, Germany or Australia. I would love to go to beautiful places as well."

Q:Do you have a favorite episode?

Erica Cerra: "I don't know if I have a favorite one. Collectively last season and this season have been my favorites. I have enjoyed every script for different reasons.

Our Christmas episode this year will probably be my favorite, but I can't tell you what it’s about. I think it is going to be really really neat. I think the fans are going to really enjoy it...


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