Thursday, June 9, 2011

Natalie Portman: Gemini, born June 9, 1981
Benjamin Millepied: Gemini, born June 10, 1977

Natalie Portman must have a thing for fellow Geminians. First there was folk singer Davendra Banhart (birthday May 30, 1981, making him about a week and a half older than Natalie), and now Benjamin Millepied, whose birthday is just one day after hers. It takes someone very in tune with Natalie's stars to charm her.

The Good: Geminians are easily bored, but thanks to their dual chatter, they rarely get bored of each other. All that Gemini juice in a relationship can get both parties pretty worked up. For his part Benjamin has described his immediate fascination with Natalie to Details: "I was blown away—especially by Natalie, who was amazing to watch." And for her part, Natalie nearly lost it while thanking her new man during her Golden Globes acceptance speech.

Stars AlignedStars Aligned is a weekly column that looks at the astrological compatibility of some of the most famous celebrity couples."Benjamin choreographed the film, and also you might remember him in the movie as the guy who when they ask, 'would you sleep with that girl?' he's like 'pffft no.' He's the best actor. It's not true. He totally wants to sleep with me!"

A couple of Geminians is basically like having four people in a relationship together, and it takes some very intellectual (perhaps too intellectual for some tastes) people to be willing to explore everything this intrinsically complex relationship has to offer. Good thing Natalie went to Harvard.

The Bad: The Gemini on Gemini combination can get so heady that these two can forget all about the emotional side of their relationship. If Natalie and Benjamin get too wrapped up in the complexities of their own relationship, they could suffer the same fate as Natalie's previous intellectual sparring partner/boyfriend, Davendra Banhart. Of course the coming addition to their little family is definitely one way to keep them grounded.

In the Stars: Two Geminians are destined to be competitive with each other, and with Natalie being the far more famous star, tension is built into the foundation of this relationship. And who wants to compete with Natalie? She's a brainy, beautiful, Oscar-winning Harvard grad whose professional intensity has led her to shave her head, learn ballet, and (worst of all) fall in love with Darth Vader.

Natalie's most compatible match would probably be a Water sign, but that doesn't mean this thing is doomed. The Air on Air combo can propel both parties to new heights, but it'll require some fancy footwork. Good thing Ben's a ballerina.


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