Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rihanna is not pleased about the way a fake Tweet that showed up on her account has been covered by some media outlets. On Wednesday a screen capture of Rihanna's Twitter showed a post reading: "I admit, I provoked Chris to hit me. I't was not entirely his fault. #ImSORRY"

It's still unclear whether the message ever actually appeared or if someone Photoshopped the image to look like it appeared. Either way, Rihanna took it personally when some outlets decided to cover it. On Thursday she directed her ire towards MTV News Canada.

She wrote: "@mtvnewscanada are u f---ing kiddin me?????? You're supposed to be a RELIABLE source for news on music and this is the bull---t u post??"

MTV News Canada wrote a Tweet in its own defense after Rihanna's message showed up. "“We were reporting on a story that was posted on several sites today. We had no intention to be salacious.”


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