Saturday, August 6, 2011

Source: Ology [follow link for complete interview]

Haven 2a

HAVEN - OLOGY: Lucas Bryant Interview

August 5, 2011
By: Josh Harrison

As your main Haven recapper, I'm always looking to further my investigation into New England's most Troubled little town--so when I got the chance to speak with Lucas Bryant, who plays new police chief Nathan Wuornos on the Syfy Original Series, I went straight up Brothers Teagues and made with the reporting. The turnaround on this has been ridiculously fast because I managed to get Lucas to spill about tonight's guest stars, Jason Priestley and pro wrestler The Edge, and I want to make sure we all get a chance to talk about the new info! So without any further ado, here's my interview with Haven's Lucas Bryant. He's not really all stoic and stone-faced in real life!


... Q: It seems like the last few episodes have been hinting toward some new power players in Haven. Of course we still have the Rev. out there, and Ian Haskell from last time might not be working alone. Are there any big bads or twists like that coming up?

Lucas Bryant: "Well, I think sort of drawing of the lines of Haven is starting now and continues much more with the Rev. and his followers trying to force people to pick sides. That's something big for the rest of the season. And then Nathan realizes he has to pick a side and if he's going to do it, and if we're forcing sides, there are people he didn't know about that are on his. I think episode 7 is pretty dope; there's a really neat storyline that comes in there and some of the Rev.'s history is revealed about why he is the way he is. And Nathan gains some allies, if you will..."


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