Monday, January 25, 2010

Casey Anthony, the young Florida mother awaiting trial in the death of her daughter, Caylee, pleaded guilty Monday to check fraud and was sentenced to time served.
Anthony admitted stealing a checkbook from a friend, Amy Huizenga, and writing four checks worth nearly $650. She wiped tears from her eyes as she spoke briefly in court.
"I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm sorry for what I did," she said. "I take complete and full responsibility for my actions, and I'd like to apologize to Amy. I wish I'd been a better friend.
Attorney Jose Baez asked the court to give Anthony credit for time served and place her on probation in the check case. The judge agreed that Anthony already has spent more time in jail than any sentence she could receive in the check case.
Anthony has made full restitution, Baez said. Before her arrest, she had no prior criminal record, he added.

The guilty plea means Anthony now has six felony convictions on her record. Her arrest in the check case came during a highly-publicized police investigation into the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee.
Anthony has pleaded not guilty to murder in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
The toddler's skeletal remains were discovered December 11, 2008, six months after she disappeared. The remains were bagged and partially buried in a swampy, vacant lot, and duct tape covered the child's mouth.
Police released documents last year showing they believed that Caylee was killed within days of the time she was last seen and that her body was in the trunk of her mother's car for "a period of time."
Authorities have said that the cause of Caylee's death is homicide by undetermined means.
Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, were present in court for the plea. George Anthony waved to his daughter as she was led from the courtroom.


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