Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthday Time

Sunday was my oldest son's birthday. It is so hard to believe that I am the mother of a 17year-old. Unlike Christmas, he had some idea what he wanted for gifts. He asked for a watch (pretty normal) and tarot cards (WTF?).

I chose to give him the Manga University's Manga Tarot (Cards Plus Guidebook) because my kids love all things Japanese. The cards are rather pink, but he probably will lose interest in them in a few weeks. $15.56

He wanted a sporty watch so I chose the Puma Dumiao. The sales associate at Macy's gave me the wrong directions for setting the watch. This is not a watch that you can set without the directions, so I had to drive all the way back out to the local shopping mall. I was not happy. But he loves the watch and hasn't taken it off. When I remember where I put my camera I will posts actual pictures of the watch, it is much nicer in person. Puma Men's Watches Panthers Dumiao PU910211002 - WW

There are no pictures from the little party that I threw for him because he hates having his picture taken. And I decided to give in to his wishes because he is about to start his senior year and I plan on taking a million pictures. I'm letting him enjoy a few camera free moments.


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