Saturday, July 30, 2011

Source: Crave Online [follow link for complete interview]

Falling Skies 2

FALLING SKIES - CRAVE ONLINE: Peter Shinkoda Interview

The 2ND Mass' resident badass takes us inside his character and the first season of TNT's hit series.

By Blair Marnell
July 29, 2011

For over twenty years, Peter Shinkoda has been active as an actor in film and television with an impressive list of credits, including appearances in "The Dead Zone," "Paycheck," "Andromeda," "Supernatural," "Stargate SG-1," "Dark Angel" and "I, Robot."

More recently, Shinkoda has landed one of the lead supporting roles on TNT's hit series, "Falling Skies." In the series, Shinkoda portrays Dai, one of the fiercest warriors in the 2ND Mass and the confidant of Tom Mason (Noah Wyle).

Earlier this month, Crave Online spoke with Shinkoda about his role on "Falling Skies," what's coming up for his character in the future, his previous appearances in "Mortal Kombat: Legacy" and "Power Rangers" as well as an interesting discussion about the live action American adaptation of "Akira..."


... Crave Online: Tell us about Dai, who is this guy?

Peter Shinkoda: "Dai is the civilian survivor from the initial attack who, according to the Dark Horse "Falling Skies" comics, crosses paths with Noah Wyle’s character Tom Mason previous to when the show actually starts. Just a few months previous to [the pilot]. And they become tight. He’s the most trusted fighter in Tom Mason’s crew, so Dai is heavily relied upon when it comes to military operations. And he also offers an ear to Tom Mason when he has to confide his personal feelings. Which he doesn’t do much; he’s always preoccupied with playing the father role to his sons.

After about a month of playing the military leader and keeping that stoic face, maintaining a certain level of strength and confidence, Tom has moments where he does have things to say, and he can say them to me...


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