Monday, April 25, 2011

By Amy Nadine
It always surprises me that for most women, contouring is often a skipped step. When you apply foundation to your entire face, you’re creating a blank canvas, making it critical to go back and add the dimensions back in. Technically, contouring is about shadows and light; if you’ve ever taken an art class you’ll remember that you use darker shading to push an area inward and lighter shading to pull an area outward. This is great for creating the appearance that you have a stronger jawline, more defined cheek bones, and a slimmer face.

Sponge or Foundation Brush
Bronzing Powder or Cream Bronzer
Flat-headed Bronzing Brush

1. Apply foundation all over face and neck with a sponge, foundation brush or fingers.
2. Look in the mirror and suck in your cheeks. This will instantly show you exactly where your cheekbones are. Sweep bronzing powder/cream bronzer with a flat-headed bronzer brush just slightly under cheekbones from the hollows to your ear.
3. Sweep bronzer in circular motions directly on temples.
4. Contour along the hairline.
5. Contour directly underneath your jawline.
6. Blend edges with a sponge.

Make sure to stop by The Beauty Department later today - they will be airing their first video tutorial with Lauren! Lauren will be demonstrating how to perfect winged eyeliner.

Credit - Amy Nadine at The Beauty Department.
Click here for all the latest posts on Lauren Conrad
~Kelli at Hills Freak


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