Thursday, September 2, 2010

There are few of these chemicals discovered by the world brightest scientist that becomes a new line of raw materials used by industries but somehow, we cannot totally determine how these stuff could run our lives in a neutral way. A hydroxic acide or commonly known as DHMO substance is one of those stuff but according to a new press release in regards with its effect in human body, it has a negative impact which could cause to a serious illness like cancer.

HDMO or Hydroxic Acid Effects

However, there are few advantages for DHMO especially in industrial impact because it is used as a solvent for a certain other substance and has been known since the mid of the 19th century. But, there are few exceptional story which could turn our attention to be more concerned of our health cause series of medical cases shows an excessive exposure from hydroxic acid.

In the other side, it is also one of the main compound used in atomic fuel and it is not a simple chemical which could be intoxicated by our body if contamination exceed to the normal level.


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