Thursday, May 6, 2010

Links For 6 May 2010

You have to love Mariachi Cabos version of Pink Floyd's Another Brick In The Wall. I would love to go into a Mexican restaurant and see something like this. I also love their version of Michael Jackson's Beat It.

Bristol Palin: I'm On My Own Financially
Bristol Palin is claiming that she is getting no help from her wealthy mother, and is struggling like tons of other teen mothers. Not buying it. And of course most teen mothers don't get $1750 a month in child support from their baby daddies.

Justin Bieber Fans Demand He 'Breakup' with Kim Kardashian
Maybe they are just trying to save her from that fame whore. Maybe they think she is using him for free publicity.
Dwyane Wade's Wife Sues Gabrielle Union, Charges Sexual Behavior In Front Of Kids
Dwyane Wade's estranged wife is suing Gabrielle Union for emotional distress because she and Dwyane were "engaged in sexual forplay" in front of the couple's boys. I'm assuming this means kissing. A lot of what the suit says sounds like Siohvaughn is putting words in the oldest boy's mouth. He is alleged to have told a court appointed rep that he wanted the police to put his dad in jail so he wouldn't have to go to visit. And that home is "where the woman kissing daddy lives."  Family court has already thrown out these charges. I guess Siohvaughn couldn't sue for alienation of affection.

Halle Berry & Baby Daddy Split Over Her Nagging
Gabriel Aubry left Halle Berry because she was nagging him about making enough money. He only makes around $700,000 a year. But it wasn't enough to pull his own weight in Halle's world. And I don't think it helped that he has been getting physical with the photographers.

I think she just wanted to make the perfect baby, and Gabriel was just a long term sperm donor. She also admits that she isn't sure that commitment is forever.


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