Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sandra Bullock Files For Divorce, Adopts Son
Sandra Bullock has filed for divorce from serial cheater, Jesse James. You can't really blame her, he was cheatng with some real skanks.

But the real news is that she adopted a little boy from New Orleans 3 1/2 months ago. Louis Bardo Bullock has been secretly living with Sandra since January. She plans on raising him as a single mother.

Tiger Woods' Alleged Gal Pal Joslyn James: I Saw Tito Ortiz Beat Up Jenna Jameson Three Times
One of Tiger Woods' side pieces, porn skank, Joslyn James has found a way of inserting herself into the Tito Ortiz- Jenna Jameson scandal. She is claiming that Tito beat Jenna on a regular basis, and that she saw it with her own eyes.

Jenna's father actually told the press, "The only thing Jenna was ever addicted to is her children." Hasn't she admitted to having a substance abuse problem in the past.


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