Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Recent Gran, 18-year-old Hammond Man Falls Overboard From Cruise Ship
Bruce O'Krepki is missing after falling off of a cruise ship. His family took the cruise to celebrate his recent graduation. Is it me or is someone always falling off of a cruise ship.
State Says Peterson Offered To Hire Killer
Is anybody really surprised about anything that Drew Peterson would do.
Bounty Hunter From Haleigh Case Charged
What makes these camera chasing bounty hunters think they are above the law. William "Cobra" Staubs was charged with false imprisonment because he handcuffed and wouldn't release a "suspect" in the hunt for Haleigh Cummings. Is he working either parent or the police? Because if he isn't maybe he needs to go away.
Steelers Star Harrison's Dog Attacks Son, Will Be Put Down
James Harrison's pit bull attacked his 1-year-old son. His wife let the dog out of its pen. If you have to worry constantly about your dog being in a pen, you probably shouldn't have the dog or the kid.
Denise Richards Dines With Ex Charlie Sheen
If this doesn't qualify as mayhem nothing does. The new wife was there too. It's a miracle everyone walked away alive. The pair have said a million horrible things about each other and used to live in family court.
Labels: murder and mayhem